Well, I survived my first week back to work, but boy was it crazy! Getting into a new routine was a little difficult this week. It is certainly a switch to have to get all four of us ready in a two hour span of time. We seemed to hit a good groove that allowed all of us enough time, but we still need to work on making it a little smoother. I'm sure that will come with time. I'm not getting out as early as I would like, but I am still getting to work on time. It would be nice to start getting there about 15 minutes early, so that I don't have to stay after school very long.
Thankfully, we have a pretty good group of students this year, so that part wasn't so bad. The kids tried to push a few buttons, but soon realized that it wouldn't work! The part that was hard was getting back into my classroom, which has been run by someone else for the last 9 months. I didn't get to close my classroom at the end of last year, so the sub I had then is the one that did that. Then I didn't get to open the room this year, so a different sub did that and then stayed until I came back. So, after two different people were in my room, it has taken me some time to reorient myself to my classroom. It hasn't been too bad, but it has been weird at times :) It's my stuff, yet I don't know where all of it is at times. I'm slowly but surely finding my way back into my classroom and getting things organized the way I want them. Most things were pretty much done the way I would do them, since my sub and I did talk quite a bit about how to run lessons and such. It is just the little things that are taking more time for me to get used to. It doesn't help that there have been a lot of changes in the building itself this year. But, overall the week went well.
I had a snow day thrown into the middle of the week, which was helpful for me in terms of lesson planning and getting a little further ahead on that. My body seems to be holding up for the most part. I have had a lot of foot pain and some back pain, but I am finding some things that help a little. I bought a pair of black tennis shoes to wear with my dress pants and that helps a lot. I've also starting sleeping with my body pillow again to help my back. I am waking up in a little less pain each morning now. Some of the things I have read recently have said that it could take up to a year before I feel more like myself physically!! I really don't think I can deal with this pain for that long. I'm hoping that if I can lose some of my weight that will help, especially because I'll be exercising and stretching out all of those tight muscles. Matt got me a gift card for a massage, so I'm going to set one up one of these weekends, so that may help a bit too.
On top of me going to work, our kids have been sick. Micah started to get a runny nose and has been a little stuffy at times. Overall, he is handling it well and is really not that sick from it, just a little irritable at times. Ethan did well all week until Thursday night. I took my mom to dinner with the boys and when Ethan's food came, he looked at it, made a disgusted face and turned to me and said "I don't feel good Mama." They were the words I dreaded all week! It turns out that 3 of my nephews and one niece got sick early this week, right after all of them had been playing together at my other nephew's b-day party. Then after Micah got his little cold, I just prayed that Ethan wouldn't get it.
After we got home on Thursday, Ethan ended up with a fever. The next worry is that he would need his albuterol aerosol treatments. He made it all day on Friday until we got home that night before he needed one. Then that led into a night of more treatments and fevers. All day today has also been more fevers and treatments. It is just never good when he gets sick! It seems as though he can never just get a cold. So, we just do what we need to do in order to get him through it as best as possible. Matt is exhausted, because he was up most of the time on Friday night with Ethan. Hopefully, he doesn't also end up sick.
One interesting thing we noticed this week, is that Micah will probably be an early sitter! He has been practically pulling himself to sit up when he is in a semi-reclined position. We have also both tried sitting him up and he will sit for a few seconds without assistance! We have been amazed by him. He really is happiest when he is sitting up somewhere. Micah just loves looking around at what is happening around him. He also started to give a really good belly laugh this week. If you have him paying attention to you, it is possible to get him in a really good laugh, which has been such a blast. I tried to record it, but it was like he knew what I was doing and would stop laughing, then start again when I put the camera down! What a little stinker! I do have a few new pictures that I will try to post soon. Probably in the next couple of days. I just have to get them put onto the computer :)
I hope you all have a good week and I'll post those pics soon.
Pubg Cheater Pandatv
3 years ago