Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What means....and why?

Those are two of Ethan's favorite phrases lately. He has become very curious about everything, especially the meaning of things. So, when he wants to know what something means, he says, "what means..." Sometimes he says it just to say it, but most of the time he sincerely wants to know what something means. I love it, because he is such a sponge and actually remembers most things. He will even ask what some big words are and then he tries to use them later.

Why? has also become a favorite. Everything is "why?" I can remember back when my nephew Justin was going through the "why" phase and I let my sister borrow my big book of why. I'm thinking I may have bring it home from school, so that I can use it! He really does think things through when he asks and it is so great.

Ethan is growing so fast and is amazing me every day with all of the new things he is learning. Over the past few days, he has nearly shocked me. Those who know Ethan really well know he is very shy. He tends to get really quiet in large groups and barely talks. On Saturday, we were out to dinner with my entire family for Easter. When we all get together there are 23 people. Over the years, Ethan has taken baby steps with his feeling comfortable with the family. He is now at the point that he will play a little with his cousins when they are all together. He is really comfortable with all of his aunts and uncles now. I had told Ethan to go to my mom and tell her Happy Easter, so he said "ok" and did it. On his own he chose to go up to every single person at the table and say "Happy Easter". It was amazing!! He did so well. Matt and I couldn't believe he did it all on his own. He was even disappointed that he couldn't say it to some of the cousins he couldn't get to, so we showed him a way to do it and he was so happy.

On Tuesday, we were driving home from my mom's house after school. We always talk in the car and it is usually the same basic conversation each day. I ask him what he did at school and most of the time he answers "I don't know" or "no anything". Then I ask him "what sounds good for dinner" and we discuss possible ideas and try to decide on something. But, on Tuesday, out of no where he asked me "what sounds good for dinner?" So, we talked about it a little and came to a decision. I was shocked he asked it himself. Then I asked him about his day and at first said "I don't know", then I said "yes you do, tell me one thing that was fun". Before I knew it, he was giving me every detail of what he did in the day!! I was so excited about it. I really couldn't believe it and I was amazed. It was so great!

Last week, he even asked me "how was school mommy? I was so excited he asked and made sure that I answered him. We have been watching him just bloom and it has been so much fun. We are looking forward to what the next few months will bring for him. Everyday is really fun and interesting with him and we always look forward to the next one!

Friday, April 03, 2009

March for Babies 2009

Happy weekend everyone!!

We are about ready to walk in this year's March of Dimes March for Babies walk, here in Toledo. I am writing today to ask for your help in reaching our goal. As you may know, the March of Dimes has helped our family many times in the past several years. We were first helped almost 5 years ago, when Ethan was born. He was born at 25 weeks and was unable to breathe on his own, due to his underdeveloped lungs. While he was in the hospital, he was given surfactant, which helped his lungs to mature and grow enough so that he could breathe on his own. A March of Dimes grantee developed surfactant, and it has now saved the lives of thousands and thousands of babies, including Ethan. We have been so blessed with Ethan in our lives and we are so thankful that the March of Dimes was able to grant money to researchers that developed surfactant, amongst other things, to save his life.

We have watched Ethan grow into the strong, little boy that he is today. It is sometimes hard to think that there was a time when we could not just pick him up and hold him. I can still remember the many days where we would go in prepared to finally hold him, just to be told that he was too sick that day. I can remember the days when we saw him stop breathing and had to watch nurses work to get him breathing again. When I look at him today, it is amazing to think about what he has endured in such a short time. Ethan has such a strength that only those who have endured such difficulties can have. He is a true miracle and I am reminded of that miracle every single day.

We were blessed in this past year with another miracle in Micah. I was very close to losing that pregnancy also, except this time, it was much earlier. I was put on bedrest, had a cerclage placed and took progesterone, in order to keep the pregnancy viable. I can remember celebrating the day where I reached the point that I had Ethan and being thankful to have made it, even a minute longer in the pregnancy. I fought to remain pregnant as long as possible and thankfully, made it to 39 weeks! I am so thankful to the March of Dimes for Micah also. With his pregnancy, I was armed with a lot more information going into and throughout the pregnancy. The March of Dimes website helped me through the days where I was filled with questions and it even helped me to connect with several women going through a similar pregnancy. The March of Dimes provides information to pregnant women, and even to those who want to become pregnant.

Watching Micah, a full-term infant, grow, has been amazing also. I am so amazed at how quickly he picks up on new things. He is such a fighter and has a strong personality, which I know helped him to get to 39 weeks. He loves his big brother Ethan. When I look at the two of them playing together, I know I am blessed to have been able to have two wonderful little boys.

I realized that if each person were to give at least $15 to our team, we will be able to reach our goal. I ask that you consider helping other moms experience 9 months of pregnancy. If you have had a healthy baby or babies, please know that it was partly because of the research that has been done to give all babies a healthy start.

You can help in several ways...
1. Donate to our team, by clicking on the banner at the right of this page.
2. Join our team, we would love to have you walk with us.
3. Form a team in honor of a child or in memory of a child. It is never too late to start a team. You can do that at

We thank you in advance for any donation you may be able to give. I am attaching the link to the video that I made last year.

View this montage created at One True Media
Ethan's Amazing Story

Thank you so much!
Matt, Lina, Ethan and Micah Young