I went to see the pulmonologist today for my follow-up on my sleep apnea and it went well. They have a little card that is inserted in my C-PAP machine and it records my breathing patterns while sleeping. They took the little card out and downloaded the information and the doctor was able to show me how I have been doing over the last couple of months since my sleep study. He told me that the amount of times that I am having respriatory distress has gone down dramatically and that it is now normal. He also said that the number of hours of sleep is good also. And I loved this part...He said "You are doing good by your baby"! I was so happy to hear that because I was worried that I could still be having some problems and it was so good to hear that I wasn't. I even use it when I take naps because I have noticed how much worse I feel if I don't use it.
I am still at risk for preeclampsia, because sleep apnea can cause high blood pressure, especially in pregnancy. So far, my blood pressure has been good. I make sure I always ask the nurses if it is ok because I know it is just another risk added to my long list. I am lucky that I normally have a pretty low blood pressure (of course Matt says that my blood doesn't flow, since I am always cold), because I think it is helping it not to spike now. I never had problems with HBP with Ethan in the time I was pregnant, so I'm hoping that it will stay that way with this one.
I have been feeling the baby moving a lot more now that it has grown. I've been trying to see what I hear with the stethoscope that we use on Ethan for his asthma. It has been fun to try, even if I don't hear anything, although I think I heard a swish that may have been the baby.
A quick update on Ethan and his health...He has been off of his daily asthma medication since the end of April and so far, so good. We are realizing that pollen and all of the other fun allergy stuff flying around right now, don't seem to trigger his attacks. He was off his meds all summer last year and did very well. I think it is more cold induced. As long as he is healthy and he does not let cold air in, he does well. We are going to test his reflux in about a week and a half. We are going to try stopping his reflux medicine to see if he still has it. They said we will see signs of it within a month if he still has it. It will be nice to go down to no meds for him, even for a little while. He finishes his first year of preschool on June 4. We have an IEP meeting on him that afternoon and I'm hoping I can go to that since I understand the language of an IEP. They are usually quick and the teacher is aware of my situation, so I think it should be ok, as long as things are still good for me. He will be back at the same preschool next year and we are really excited about that, because then he will transition to kindergarten at the same school the next year.
I'll probably do another post with some pictures from March for Babies in the next couple of days. I'm working on putting that together for everyone to see :)
Pubg Cheater Pandatv
3 years ago
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