Monday, July 21, 2008

Mostly Good News Appointment!!

Well, we had mostly good news and one piece of semi-bad news today. I'll start with the good news :) We had an ultrasound and the baby looks really good, he is still measuring about a week ahead and weighs approximately 2 lbs 4 oz. So, he is already bigger than Ethan was when he was born :) He is still head down and his little feet are on my left side.

I asked them to do a cervical length check and we did that after the regular ultrasound and it looks like it is 3 cm, which is really good. It is bad when it gets under 2 cm, so the doctor was really happy with that and so were we!

I got the rhogam shot for my Rh Negative, so that is all done. It was pretty cold as it went in, which sort of hurt. I really hate all shots and they all feel painful to me.

Now for the bad news...I had my glucose test along with some other blood tests on Friday. The tests showed my blood sugar to be high, so I have to go back and have the 3 hour test this week. There are many reasons why I really don't want to have to do this test. I really worry about adding another risk to this pregnancy and yet another thing that puts me at higher risk for preeclampsia. I also worry about the risks it adds to my future health and the baby's future health. I am also not looking forward to having to sit in the very uncomfortable chairs for 3 hours and having my blood drawn 4 times. I have the worst veins, they collapse easily and are very hard to find. Another reason I really hate needles. So, that is a day I am really not looking forward to at all. I'll keep you updated on those results. I am asking for prayers that the test comes back negative for gestational diabetes.
Here are some pictures of the little guy in a couple of different ways :)
Here is my 26 week 5 day belly!

Isn't that such a loving look??

Here are two face pictures.

The second one looks as if he has a huge smile on his face!

The first one is of his two little feet together.

The last one is a nice profile picture.


Unknown said...

How high was your blood sugar level? Mine were always in the 140's. Enough for me to do the 3hr. I had to do it once with Emily and twice with the twins. I passed easily though with the 3hr. I too hated doing and have very small veins. However, I had brought DH with me, and that helped. It wasn't that bad. I wish ya the best of luck, and you look great!

April Doran

Becky said...

You are looking so great! And what adorable pics of your new lil guy.