Friday, September 05, 2008

My Baby Rode a Bus to School!

Ethan started his second year of preschool on Wednesday. It turns out that a fellow March of Dimes volunteer's son is in his class this year. Ethan was pretty excited to go back as one of the big kids in the class this year. He has been taking the whole big kid role very seriously lately and he even talks about how he is getting bigger and bigger! He has been making us so proud.

On Thursday, Ethan rode the bus to school for the first time. Both Matt and I were nervous about it, but in the end Ethan loved it. It was actually a pretty humorous event...Ethan was eating his cereal and I was watching out the window as I was finishing my breakfast. All of a sudden the bus pulled up a couple of minutes before we expected it. So, I yelled for Matt and we literally had to throw his shoes on and shove him out the door. Poor Ethan had no idea what hit him. He just knew that he couldn't finish his last bite of his cereal. He just looked at us like we were nuts. Both Matt and I felt winded afterwards and we couldn't help but laugh, thinking that Ethan must think his parents are crazy. Because we were both still a little nervous about it, Matt drove down to the school to make sure he got there ok and that Ethan handled it well. Luckily we only live about 2 miles from the school and Matt didn't have to be at work just yet. I think we both just needed that to make sure that we had made the right decision.

After school, I had my dad pick him up and bring him home so that I could say goodbye properly before he went to my mom's house and then he was going to stay the night with Matt's mom. Ok, the pregnant mom in me was too emotional to let him go without kissing him goodbye. I'm so glad I saw him because I will never forget his face when I asked him about the bus ride. It really made my day to see him so happy. So, on Monday, he will ride the bus to and from school and he will have his shoes on before he eats his breakfast :) We'll also have him ready well before the bus might come :)

I go back to the doctor on Monday and we'll learn a little more about how much I am going to be able to do. I know I will get a short walk out to the bus (it stops in front of our house) every day to get Ethan after school. But, it would be nice to know that maybe I can go out for a dinner, not that I know what I would be able to eat on this diet, but I can try my best :) I guess we'll see. They did up my medication for the diabetes because I was still getting a high number at dinner time. So now I take 1 pill in the morning and two at night. It looks like they will most likely put me on 2 in the morning and 2 at night. I also got my time for the cerclage removal. I will need to be at the hospital at 11am on the 25th with the removal happening at 1pm. There is a possibility that after being able to walk a little and being off of progesterone, I will go right into labor either that day or within a couple of days. I have also heard of some people going to the end after the removal. My hope is to go sometime that weekend or even once I am 37 weeks, which will be the 30th.

I can tell my body is getting ready and I am also now pretty sure that I will have back labor. I've had a lot more back pain and more contractions through the day. They are still not timable, which is good, but I am getting them more often. Before, I would get maybe 1-4 in a day, but now I have more than 4 in a day. Still pretty normal, but I'm sure it will increase as the weeks go on so that I am better prepared for actual labor. Now, if I could get some sleep at night that is a little more solid that would be great! I think a woman's body gets her ready for being up every 2-3 hours, because that is how often I get up. Sometimes, it is just simply because my body is in pain and I need to change positions, but then it takes some time to go back to sleep, as it does after being up with a baby. At least when I get a nap, it seems to be a little more peaceful. Of course, the naps are becoming less and less because of the amount of times I have to either be testing my blood or eating. It seems like I lay down and I already have to get up to do one of those things. So, I've been setting alarms so that I can sleep for even a half hour.

I'll update you on Monday about the appointment and hopefully we'll have a picture of Ethan getting on the bus. I didn't get a chance on Thursday because we had to move so fast to get him on there in the first place :) Have a great weekend!!

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