Thursday, November 06, 2008

My miracles...

Everyday that I look at my two children, I am reminded that we have been given two very special miracles. I find myself in tears out of pure happiness at being given the opportunity to raise two boys. I think back to all that we have been through with Ethan and how many times we came close to losing him and how close we came to losing Micah so early on and I remind myself of how thankful I am to have both of them home with me. Matt and I made the decision on the day my cerclage was placed with this pregnancy that we were done having children regardless of the outcome. As the pregnancy progressed, I wondered many times if we were making the right decision and I would think that maybe we could have one more. But, each time I thought that, I remembered how lucky we were to have the two children we had and how difficult is was to have these two children.

The Friday before we had Micah, I talked to the doctor about getting a tubal ligation if I would have a c-section. He made sure that we were sure and he even said that he didn't blame us for coming to that decision. When it came down to having a c-section, he asked me again if it was what we wanted and we both said yes, and he even asked again during the c-section. Matt and I would not mind having more children if it didn't mean that I would be stuck in bed for 6 months and then deal with long-term recovery afterwards. There are no guarantees about what would happen with a 3rd pregnancy, but we decided that we came way too close to losing both of our children that we did not want to test it. We are happy with our decision and we feel that our family is complete. I only tell this because I have been asked by a lot of people if we are going to have any more children. So, take a look at our little miracles and know that we are so thankful for these two boys that we have been given...

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