Friday, October 03, 2008

Another Bad Cold

Ethan caught another cold this week! I really don't think the weather helped the situation. With the drastic change in temperature, his little lungs have a hard time recovering. He started to get sick Wed and we were hoping it would be a small cold that would move on quickly. Very wishful thinking!!!! We really don't look forward to the fall and the winter each year, as every cold turns into a full on asthma attack.

He is needing breathing treatments every 1-2 hours, which means not much sleeping happens the first night of the asthma attack. He came down to me last night a little before 2 a.m. and he wanted to sleep in my bed for a little bit. So, I let him in and very quickly it felt like there was a fire in my bed. He had a pretty good fever going, so I had to get Matt to find out if he had given him any medicine yet. We gave him Motrin with the hopes that it would knock him out like it usually does. But, instead it lead him into being awake until after 3 sometime.

Once again we had some plans for the weekend that had to be cancelled. He was going to stay the night at his Great Aunt and Uncle's house tonight and then be a part of the Juvenile Diabetes walk tomorrow. He was really excited about it, but with him as sick as he is, we could not send him. So, we have it planned that he will get to stay the night there sometime soon :)

Over the years, Matt and I have learned that we can't count on our plans sticking during the fall and winter, sometimes even the spring. We have even gotten to the point sometimes that we don't tell him our plans in hopes that he won't get sick. I know it is superstitious, but sometimes it is all we have :) Hopefully, as he grows older, he will grow out of it.

As he continues to get older his lung disease from his prematurity will become less and less, so that will help him to not have as severe attacks. The first year that he had asthma was the worst, as he was hospitalized twice, so we are doing much better than that. Luckily, we know what we are looking for! I called the doctor's office this morning and asked for some prednosone and we already got his first dose in him, which should help tremendously.

When we talk to the doctor next week for the decision about Ethan's daily meds, I'm going to check on possible allergies. At first, I didn't think it was caused by allergies, but the last time Ethan was sick, I was sneezing and coughing with a runny nose due to allergies and the same thing happened this week. I have been pretty miserable this week because of the allergies that have come up with the weather shift this week. So, maybe he and I have some of the same allergies, I guess we'll see!

Still no news on the baby front! I was cramping a lot more yesterday, which I was told could be early labor or a false start of labor. So, no major change other than I think he may have slightly dropped, as I have felt more pressure! I'm currently watching the show Birth Day and it is about women with gestational diabetes and the delivery of large babies. One woman actually had a premature baby with the first pregnancy, so I'm going to watch and see what may come my way :)

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