Friday, October 24, 2008

Introducing Micah Andrew

I realized that I never put the announcement of his birth, so here goes...

Micah Andrew arrived on Oct. 13, 2008 at 9:39pm. He weighed 8lbs 13oz and measured 21.5 inches long.

The extra special thing about his birth date is that it was the day that Ethan came home from the hospital 4 years earlier! We have now been blessed twice on Oct. 13.

I was admitted into the hospital at about 8am and we began to induce at about 9 am. Contractions had already begun that morning, so once the induction started they continued to become stronger. Eventually I was checked and I had only dilated to 2cm, but we still decided to go ahead with an epidural so that they could break my water and because Micah heart rate kept going up really high and we had to do some other things to help to keep him calm.

I had finally relaxed myself enough to take a small rest, but in that time I apparently had several very close contractions. Before I knew it there were several nurses standing over me telling me to roll over and throwing an oxygen mask on my face. Micah's heart rate dropped incredibly low. Luckily, with the intervention we were able to get his heart rate back to normal. It was a very scary process for both Matt and I. It was also really stressful for our parents. Once his heart rate became normal it stayed there. I was checked again for dilation and I was at about 3.5 cm. The contractions were coming regularly and I was feeling a lot of pressure. So, they checked me at about 8pm and I was still only 3.5.

The doctor came in to confirm it and at about 9pm he said "let's go have a baby". It took me a second to realize that he meant it was time for a c-section. After 12 hours of labor, I was not progressing and I was extremely exhausted. As soon as the doctor left the room, I broke down and cried. Matt and my mom worked to calm me down and I soon realized it was for the best and that I would have my baby in less than an hour. They wheeled me down the hallway and got me prepped and then Matt was brought in. Within a few minutes we heard the most wonderful sound we could hear, our little Micah let out a nice strong cry. We didn't get to hear a true cry from Ethan until he was over a month old. I, of course, began to cry tears of joy. They brought him over and he was so handsome! Matt went with him to the next room while they prepped him and he got some pictures of him.

Then they brought him over to us and let Matt hold him and me kiss him. Matt was able to wheel him into the recovery room. They tested Micah for his sugars and since they were low, they had to take him to the nursery for about 4 hours. I was so exhausted at that point that I could barely keep my eyes open. I visited with my parents, Matt's mom and Ethan before they wheeled me down to my room.

It had been a very long day, but it was one of the happiest days of my life. After a very long pregnancy, I was so happy to have my little tiny Micah in my arms! We would have never made it there without all of you! Thank you!

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