Monday, August 11, 2008

Good News - Bad News

I ended up having to go in for my first official trip to labor and delivery today. I had cramping for about 3 hours this morning and decided to call the doctor about it. It is on the list of preterm labor symptoms and since it was constant and didn't go away, I decided it was time to call. They called me back and told me that the doctor wanted me to go to L&D instead of the office. Matt and I would have much rather gone into the office, but we were able to get some tests done that we would have had to wait for results on if we went to the office.

We got in there and I was put onto an incredibly uncomfortable bed, they hooked me up to the monitors and told me they would be back soon. You know how that works at a hospital. Eventually, instead of the nurse coming in to get me checked in, the doctor came in. He talked to the woman next to me and me at the same time. It turned out that all three women in the triage area had doctors in the same group, which he found odd. He then saw each of us individually and that is where the good news comes in.

The baby was doing well on the monitor and I only had a couple of contractions while I was there. He checked me and I was not dilating, which was great news! He also said that my cervical length was still 3 cm, which was really good! He performed the Fetal Fibronectin (fFN) test and we waited an hour and a half for those results. Basically, it is a test for preterm delivery, it shows if you will deliver in the next two weeks or not. They did it when I was in the hospital with Ethan and it came out positive and I had him a week and a half later. This one, thankfully, came out negative!! We were so happy with all of this news today.

The bad news is that I have another bladder infection, which is really frustrating. I had been having some symptoms and I was going to ask about it at my regular appt. tomorrow, but it was good to get the news today and get started on antibiotics. It turns out that progesterone not only relaxes the uterus, but it also relaxes the bladder, hence the UTI's. Gestational diabetes also causes UTI's, so I have a double whammy on that one. Speaking of that, I just posted that my blood sugar numbers have been pretty good and today that was all completely changed. I had a high one this morning and then I had to eat a hospital lunch, which caused it to be really high this afternoon. I think all of this was working together today and now I know that the UTI was causing all of the irritation this morning.

Hopefully, we'll stay out of the hospital for several more weeks with no more visits :) I have my nonstress test tomorrow and a regular appointment, which I probably won't have much news from since I went in today. If there is anything new I'll let you know. Otherwise, my next appt. is next Wed, I think. By the way, I'm 30 weeks tomorrow, the doctor's original goal!!! 6 more weeks until the cerclage comes out and then I'll have the baby anytime after that :) I'm getting really excited!

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