32 weeks! I had many moments early on and never thought I would make it this far and now I'm here!! I can't believe it. I am now in the 8th month and I couldn't be happier! It has hit me that I am only 8 weeks from my due date, so at most I have 8 weeks to go and I have at least 4 weeks to go. I can't believe that in just a few short weeks we will be welcoming this little boy to our family!
I'm hoping to at least go 5 more weeks, which would take me into the 37th week, but there is a lot that will determine if that will happen. My cerclage will come out sometime in the 36th week and that could go a couple of ways. I could go right into labor, I could go a few days before going into labor or I could go a couple of weeks. Now, that is all considering the fact that I am doing well and that the baby is growing well and is handling the gestational diabetes well. I have been told that as long as my non-stress tests continue to go well and that my sugars are maintained well, he should be fine. If for some reason he is needing to be born earlier, they may have to induce me if I don't go into labor on my own fast enough. So, hopefully, he continues to do well and I continue to do well so that we can go through labor as normally as possible :)
It is amazing that with all that we have been through with this pregnancy that we are now looking at the end. Last night, we were talking about all of the things that we have to pull out of the attic and the garage for the baby. I'm so excited to be talking about his homecoming. For so much of this pregnancy I felt like I couldn't get too excited and I wasn't sure about taking things out and getting things ready and now I feel like I can finally celebrate this new life and get ready to bring home our new little boy! Ethan might be out of town for some of this weekend with his Grandma, so that will give Matt a chance to pull things out and me a chance to go through some of the clothes :) I'm just excited to be at this point!
Thanks again for helping us to get this far!! Hopefully, we'll have some pictures to share with you after the appointment on Thursday!
Pubg Cheater Pandatv
3 years ago
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