Physically and mentally this has been a rough week for me. Since going to L & D on Monday and my appointment on Tuesday, I have been exhausted. I have a few things working against me right now. The first being that the bedrest is catching up with my body and physically it is quite painful. The baby is also obviously getting much bigger, which is adding pressure to many different areas, which is also why the bedrest is starting to hurt more. I also have an abnormality in my back, which is now feeling a lot of pressure because of the baby's weight bearing down on it.
At this point, any position is uncomfortable for me. It would be nice if I could even walk a little to stretch out some of the muscles, but right now walking a few feet has been really difficult on my body. Like I said the bedrest is finally turning my muscles against me. One advantage of this new diet is that I am not gaining weight as quickly and I am using some of my pre-pregnancy reserve :) So far this week, I have remained steady with my weight. The weight has not helped any of this either. I think that now that I have some idea of this diet, I will be able to lose weight a little easier this time.
I actually did not gain much weight during my pregnancy with Ethan, only about 10 or 15 lbs. I gained all of the weight afterwards when he was in the hospital and then even once he was home with me. Of course, once the weight gain started, it was difficult to stop it, which is now working against me.
Mentally, I have also been drained this week. I think that since I cannot do any physical nesting, my brain is doing all of it. Basically, I keep playing out different scenarios in my head and how I would respond to each. I keep feeling like I won't be prepared when it is time to actually go to the hospital. I keep fearing each appointment because I think that will be the one that he sends me to the hospital. My biggest worry is what do we do with Ethan in each situation. It really does change things when you have another little one in the picture! I feel the maternal need to make sure he doesn't feel neglected or worried. I figure if I play all of these scenarios out in my head, I will feel better prepared when something does happen, which will hopefully be weeks from now :)
I go back to the doctor on Tuesday for another non-stress test. We passed well last week, so we are hoping that keeps up. From what I understand, Gestational Diabetes can cause him to not do well on the test. So, hopefully keeping my blood sugar level, will help him continue to pass his tests :) I'll have an ultrasound to check for growth, the following week, so I'm excited for that :)
I'll update you after the appointment on Tuesday!
Pubg Cheater Pandatv
3 years ago
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