Thursday, December 18, 2008

Just some pictures!!

Thought I would share some pictures...

Micah finally calmed down when I put this cloth on his head, he then slept like this for awhile!!

Finally got him smiling!!

I love how he is smiling with his left eye.

Ethan was just laying around on his bean bag chair.

He loves posing for pictures!

So excited waiting in line for the train ride at Children's Wonderland.

Ethan loves to organize things in a line, it is amazing how perfect he can get things lined up. When we were in Cleveland, Aunt Joyce let him play with her nativity characters and I told her to watch, because in a few minutes he'll have them all lined up and sure enough he did. Here are two examples of his lining up of toys. He has also lined up all of his trains from his train set before, I just didn't get a picture of those.
These are some of his bath toys and letters,
along with some of the "buildings" he created.

I went into his old playroom to find his hot wheels all lined up, the few that are not in line are because it was the middle of the night when I found them and I accidently kicked a couple.

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