Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My 3 am Visitor!

Last night I woke up after only about an hour and a half of sleeping and I could not get back to sleep. I tossed and turned from about 1:30 until a little after 2. I finally turned the tv on so that I could get something else on my mind and at about 2:45 I heard some little cries through the monitor.

Of course, I felt like I couldn't do anything about it, but then he stopped crying and settled down, or so I thought! A couple of minutes later I thought I heard something on the stairs and I told myself to look at my doorway. And guess who was there? Ethan, our little ninja! We've started calling him that because he seems to just appear out of no where sometimes.

I asked him what he was doing and he said "I'm waking up" and I said, "I guess you can't sleep either." Then he requested some milk, which sounded good to me also. So we got milk and settled into my bed for the night. It was nice because both of us fell asleep within a few minutes. I guess we both just needed to be near each other :) I love when he feels he needs his mommy!

Of course, when Matt got up, he had no idea what had transpired in the night. He saw Ethan's bed empty and eventually found him downstairs in the bed with me! He didn't get to hear the whole story until I called him after we woke up!

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