Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Silly Ethan with some ATTITUDE!

I thought I would do a fun Ethan post....

These pictures are of him playing with the goggles that came in his Home Depot tool chest. He just thought he was so cool and let's admit it, he is. He actually rode his bike outside one day with the goggles hanging off his chin like in the picture.

Ethan has been showing his almost 4 year old attitude lately...On Sunday, Matt, Ethan and I were all sitting and talking and Ethan was sitting on Matt's lap and trying to tell me something and everytime he tried to talk, Matt would bounce him and tickle him, which then made Ethan laugh. After several times of this happening, Ethan finally turned to Matt and pointed his finger at him and said "STOP! I'm talking to Mama!" Of course, all Matt and I could do was just laugh at him because he was so serious about it.

On Monday, I was taking my shower and I realized I didn't have Ethan sit on the potty (yes, we are still trying to work on pooping in the potty) and I thought he might go in his pants while I was showering. So, I called him into the bathroom and finally after several tries, he came in and I asked him to go get his potty chair and bring it into the bathroom, which he said no to. So, I asked him again, to which I got another no and the next time I was more firm and said "Ethan, go get your potty and bring it in here now please." The next thing I heard was a door slam shut, I peeked around the curtain and he was gone. He decided to end the conversation and realized he had the upper hand because I couldn't do anything about it when I was in the shower. When I came out, he was sitting in the recliner watching Sesame Street like nothing happened.

Ethan has a way of reminding me of the things I can't do for him and everyday he has to remind me that I can't "fly him". Basically, what that means is he sits on his tricycle and Matt picks him up with the bike and takes him outside, so he feels like he is flying. Everyday we go outside for a little bit in the morning (don't worry, I have a reclining chair to sit in), before my dad comes to pick him up and he takes his bike out and everyday he says "Mama can't fly me, she's too little". That is his explanation for it, but he looks at me like I can't believe you can't do this for me. Nothing like making mama feel guilty for what she can't do, he knows how to get me just right with his big blue eyes.

The video is of him playing with a balloon after going to our friend Zachary's first birthday party.

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