Sunday, January 18, 2009

Daily Battle of the Brains

While I was on bedrest, I joined a trivia tournament that several staff members at my school play online. I had so much fun with that and decided I knew a lot of people that would enjoy playing some trivia. So, I started up a tournament for our family and friends. We have a pretty good group of people playing and would love to have some more challengers! I've put a link to our tournament on the right-hand side of the blog. Also, if you do join us, you will receive an email confirming that you have joined. Then, you may also get some emails with trivia questions. That is not the same trivia as the one that we are playing. You have to actually go to the website with our trivia each day to play with the rest of us. That way you will get ranked with the rest of us on our page. Save it in your favorites and join us each day for some friendly competition :) We hope to see you there!

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