Friday, October 24, 2008

Family Update

Micah is now 10 days old! We were released from the hospital together last Thursday, which in itself was such a wonderful blessing! It was the best feeling in the world to be able to leave the hospital at the same time as my baby. The weekend was difficult because Micah became jaundiced. It could be a combination of things that caused it. There are so many things that were factors in him becoming jaundiced, so it wasn't a surprise. Saturday seemed to be the worst day of it, because we could not get him to wake up and he would not eat. I ended up having to move to pumping the milk for him and we had to supplement with formula. We knew we had to get him eating to help get rid of the jaundice. He finally started to eat and do better. On Monday we had an unscheduled appointment with the doctor to get a blood test. We then had to go back on Tuesday morning for another blood test. Thankfully, his bilirubin was going down and it was showing that the jaundice was correcting itself and we would not need to get a light for him.

On Tuesday, we went to a lactation consultant, because he would not latch on well (this was happening before the whole jaundice thing). They gave us some tips to try, so I'm going to continue working on it, but we'll see how it goes. He was weighed and was 8lbs even. He had lost a lot more weight than normal at the hospital, but we were not given his release weight so we don't know what it was.

Today, we had a nurse from the Help Me Grow program come out for a visit. It is a service that is paid for through our taxes, so we took advantage of it :) It was really helpful to have it with Ethan and it was really good to have it today. She weighed Micah and he was 8lb 5oz!! So, all of the bottle feeding we have been doing has been great and is working very well! She checked his muscle tone and said he was doing great and was very strong. That was such great news to hear. She was really impressed with everything about him and she said it was very clear that he was full-term. That was music to my ears!! I was so excited to hear how well he is doing and that he is progressing well. She even checked my incision for me and said it was healing well. I was glad to hear that because I had no idea if it was healing well or not. I was surprised that she was checking me and making sure all was well with my health, but it was nice to have that.

We have been adjusting pretty well. It gets better every day as we have been able to get a schedule down. To make sure that Micah is eating well, we have started a feed/pump schedule, which has also allowed us better sleep time. Ethan has been enjoying getting to know his new brother and has been really patient during the crying times. He even rubs his head to help calm him. Ethan got his 3rd cold in 7 weeks this week and we have confirmed that he clearly still has asthma!! Wed night was quite a challenge giving Ethan treatments and taking care of Micah and me having to pump. We did not get much sleep and Ethan had to miss school. I had to get him to the doctor yesterday and we now have to start a 6 week regimen of medications, which will not be much fun, but will hopefully get him to stop being so sick. He also had his flu shot on Monday, which will eventually help with all of the colds too.

I am so happy to have our complete family! We are working on getting some pictures up. We have still not found our camera and may have to go out and buy one. Matt's mom has been trying to take pictures whenever she comes over, so I'm attaching a couple of those. Matt got a few on his cell phone, so we are going to try to work on getting those on the computer so that I can post them. I promise we will try and get them as soon as possible!! I want to thank you again for all of your support over the last 9 months!! We have this wonderful miracle in our lives because of all of the prayers and support. Thanks!

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