Thursday, September 04, 2008

Words of Inspiration

Throughout this pregnancy, I have had many people offer words of inspiration at just the right moment. Most of the time it has been through a card or an email. Usually, they have come at a point where I have been feeling pretty low and it has brought me back up. Almost 2 months ago, I set up a google homepage for myself and I put two areas on it that give some words of inspiration. One is called "Words of Christ", which has quotes from the Bible. The other one comes from the Two Listeners, who said they heard the words of God. I have collected a few of the inspirational quotes that I have read that have made me feel so much better about lying here on bedrest. Even with as far as I have been able to get myself, I still have the hard days once in awhile and these quotes were on my home page on those low days. The words always remind me why I am here lying on the couch...

"Seek diligently for something to be glad and thankful about in every happening and soon no search will be required." - Two Listeners (This was an important one, as I have had many days where I have not been able to be glad and thankful, and this reminded me that I need to.)

"Look on each difficulty as training to enable you to acquire My Peace." - Two Listeners (All I can say is Wow! I feel that the experience we had with Ethan was training for this experience and now I wonder what this experience is training me for.)

"The beauty of My Kingdom is in its growth. Spend no time thinking of failures. Count lessons learned as rungs in a ladder. Step up." - Two Listeners (I love this one, for so long, I blamed myself for what happened in the pregnancy with Ethan, which was part of why I waited so long for another one and I realized the blame I put on myself was holding me back from losing weight, because I felt that once I lost some weight, I would be ready for a pregnancy again.)

"Not only in the great decisions of life accept and welcome My Will. See it in each interruption, each task however small. Accept it and the resulting Joy will transform your life." - Two Listeners (This is His Will and I am accepting it, even though it has taken me a long time to do so.)

"Be full of gratitude. Take all that happens as My Planning. I have prepared all in my My Love for you." - Two Listeners (Not much to say here, I have always believed in this, especially since I have had many things happen in my life that could not be explained by anything other than it was God's plan and he had his reasons.)

"So trust and know I am leading you. Step with confidence in Me into each unknown day.
And he said to the woman, Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace." (Luke 7:50) (I really felt this was meant for me on the day that I read it. I really needed to feel peace and after reading this, I did.)

"Never lose heart. Draw near to Me and in that nearness is all you need." - Two Listeners (Another simple reminder that I am not alone and that I cannot give up, I'll bring this baby home soon.)

This one is from today...

"No need to plead. How wonderful to feel you can simply claim help and so lovingly it is there." - Two Listeners (This has been something that has amazed me this entire pregnancy. It has been so helpful to both Matt and I to have so many people willing to step in and help whenever we needed it, especially when it comes to taking care of Ethan. We have appreciated all of the help that we have received. It is so great to know that we have such caring and loving friends and that this baby and Ethan have such a great support network. So THANK YOU!!)

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